09.08.2024 17:24

Road-show , such fashionable words were invented by Kateryna for an event to inform licensees of veterinary medicine about the project on identification and registration of domestic animals. The project covered 18 regional centers during two months starting from Lviv to Sumy, from Odesa to Chernihiv, a team of our colleagues: Mykhailo Tyuyakhov, Anastasia Ivanichenko, brought a message about the importance of joining the project to doctors of veterinary medicine, because our future will be the part of the digital country . Thus, we are talking about passports for animals in Diya, about the responsibility of the owner, about regular visits to veterinary medicine institutions and the future of the veterinary industry, about the unhindered movement of animals not only within the country, but also beyond its borders, precisely without quarantine, titles, and heaps papers... I would like to note that our NGO “Society of Veterinary Business Owners” supports this project, because it is one of the processes of European ntegration of Ukraine. After all, in addition to the register of animals and their owners, a register of veterinary institutions, all practitioners of veterinary medicine and, of course, a register of electronic veterinary document flow will be created.


Odesa July 2024р. https://odesa.consumer.gov.ua/?p=2413




Sumy July2024р. https://www.dpss-sumy.gov.ua/news/doiednannya-do-svitovoyi-spilnoti



Chernihiv July 2024р. https://dpsscn.gov.ua/pres-tsentr/novyny/3747/u



Can you Imagine:

  • every manipulation in the register will be recorded by the ECP by the identification agent (this is about social responsibility)

  • every veterinarian has information on whether the animal was vaccinated against rabies, where and by whom.

What I liked about it:

  • Colleagues from different fields, practicing doctors, inspectors, doctors of nursing hospitals, educators met in one venue ...

  • The project is managed not by a single state agency, but by a collaboration: DPPS, Ministry of Digital, and Ministry of Agriculture.

  • It is financed exclusively by the European GIZ fund, for which special thanks to colleagues from Germany.

  • Conscious and influential animal protection public associations support this project as well.

How do you think: “What threats or challenges we could meet during the implementation of this project for both veterinary medicine and animal owners, with a possible back to Soviet times?

To be continued 💙💛

Andrii Klietsov, veterinarian, Head of the Non-profit Organizations «Society of Veterinary Business Owners»

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